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Paradise Hill Farming Project, Climax, NY. Growing organic produce and delivering it with a smile to food insecure in NYC, along with produce from neighboring farms that would otherwise go to waste.


Human Rights Commissioner, Human Rights Commission, City of Newburgh, New York.

Co-founder of The Common House, a collectively managed space for activist groups, projects and community events in East London. The Common House is an experiment in building a commons—a resource that is organized and structured by our collective activity as a community, and not by money or property rights. This allows us to think about how to reproduce what we need and manage resources outside of the regimes of the state and capital. The commons are a pre-condition for, and an experiment in, building struggles capable of winning and bringing about the world that we want: one that is collectively owned and decided.

Community organizer and ESL teacher for X:Talk, a worker's co-operative which carries out research and policy advocacy, and approaches language teaching as knowledge sharing between equals. We regard the ability to communicate as a fundamental tool for migrants and sex workers who are collaborating to advocate for safer conditions and build social justice movements.

Co-founder of Radio AvA, an on-air community space broadcasting the voices of sex workers and their allies in order to express, explore and share their experiences, improve safety and outreach, reflect, critique and celebrate!


Community organizer with SWOP-NYC and SWANK, both volunteer-based, grassroots organizations and part of a national network dedicated to improving the lives of current and former sex workers.

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Member, Radical Anthropology Group, University College London. Anthropology asks one big question: what does it mean to be human? In addition to teaching anthropology, RAG is engaged in defending the land rights and cultural survival of hunter-gatherers, as well as academic research and activist involvement in environmental, anti-capitalist and other campaigns.

Labor organizer, unionizing service industry workers in New Orleans with the IWW.

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